BULK ORDERS ONLY- 50 shirts & more! (Army Green)
BULK ORDERS ONLY- 50 shirts & more! (Army Green)
- Orders Include International Shipping- Fee Automatically Added On Check-Out
- Payment is made by Credit Card (Visa and Mastercard) and PayPal.
- For Credit Card payments select “Checkout” (blue button) and follow the steps
- Payment is made on PayPal. If you don’t have an account, you will be able to pay via debit card and credit card as follows: after selecting your size and order quantity 1. Click Check-out 2. Click “Express Checkout Paypal” (yellow Paypal button) 3. “Create An Account” (payment purposes only.) 4. Enter your details and credit card details and follow the steps to payment.
🇮🇱 For sponsorship of shirts to be distributed in bulk to IDF Soldiers or Evacuees from Israel’s South and North, contact: david@nucampaign.org
🇮🇱 If you order less than 50 shirts, please use the “Buy Now” or “”Support Now” button on the home page.
As a nation, our hearts are sore and breaking. The unimaginable has happened and we are all reeling from the shocking terror of the last few days. There are no words to express the pain in our hearts- individually and collectively. Within this pain and hurt there is one thing that we as a nation are sure of- we will prevail this evil. We will win and we will come out stronger as a people. Therefore, we have launched the following campaign to unite people behind our soldiers, the residents of Southern Israel and all of Am Yisrael!! We are calling on people to buy and wear the shirt with the slogan, One Nation, One Heart or עם אחד בלב אחד, to spread a message of unity, resilience and strength following these tragic events and the war against our enemies and to say that we, the Jewish people, like before, will prevail B’H!! We have partnered with an incredible organization called, גב הלוחם, or “We’ve got your back,” that work to support combat soldiers in Israel and to whom we know personally! Together, we will bring the shirts that you donate to our boys and girls on the front lines, to the survivors and to as many people in Israel as possible!! What we need now more than ever is to lift our morale- we need to raise our heads amidst this darkness, mourn together with the victims and move forward one step at a time so that we win this war!!! Join us now!! Am Yisrael Chai!.