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Start-Up Nation

Start-Up Nation

Start-Up Nation


The Start Up Nation TEE made up of the names of over 100 Israeli companies and technologies used worldwide!

Do you use any of these technologies in your daily life? If yes, let us know how they effect you!?

Disk on key, camera on a pill, argo exoskeleton, drip irrigation, ICQ, answers.com, Babylon, Shaker, Brightsource solar enegy, Checkpoint firewall, Microsoft Windows, Krav Maga Magshoe, xbox technology, cellphone technology, lawn-mowing robot, Indigo printing press, Sambucol, Emergency bandage, Deep breeze, Power rangers creator- Haim Saban, Copaxone, Intel, Leviathan Energy – wind tulip, Grow Fish Anywhere, Aora, IAI Taxibot, Solaris Synergy, Afimilk Seambiotics, Zenith Solar, Takadu – water leaks, Solar water heaters, Briefcam, Amdocs, Max Brenner Chocolate, Wonderpot, Sodastream, Bamba, Rummikub, Ace -basketball software, Ash poopie – high tech poop scoop, Antibiotic resistance kit, Technion cancer sniffer, technion fly, male birth control pill, Elminda, artificial pancreas, Andromeda Biotech, Technion robotic fly, Nanoretina