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Peace Begins Where Love is Born- BBYO 2021

Peace Begins Where Love is Born- BBYO 2021

Peace Begins Where Love is Born- BBYO 2021


Fostering a grassroots movement of understanding, nonviolence, and transformation among Israelis and Palestinians, “Roots” is a non-for-profit organization dedicated to building a world of peace amongst Israelis and Palestinains. Roots’ story begins in 2014 at a meeting between students of Rabbi Menachem Froman and members of the politically-prominent Abu Awwad family. The successful and promising meeting quickly developed into a series of frequent encounters - joint-family discussions, women’s groups, workshops, etc. - all with the purpose of a joint response to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Sensing the transformative power of the work, the men and women committed to a long-term project - Roots. These peace-seeking activists, all of whom have been impacted by the violence, are dedicated to propelling the world towards a brighter future, using their spirit and compassion to unite the world through Roots.


Created by BBYO Beyond 2021